Len Diggins for Select Board
As I reflect on the last three years as a Select Board member and my efforts to foster connections and help create solutions to Arlington’s challenges, I realize to a much greater extent the importance of engagement, determination, and innovation. To be engaged, determined, and innovative are not only the core characteristics of my personality, but these traits also serve as the foundation of my leadership style. They have served me and the town well in my first term and would continue to do so if I were to be elected to a second term.
Engagement means immersing myself in understanding the components of the challenges we face. It extends from my nature as a very curious person. I am curious because I care and I want to know more. The more I learn, the more I care about the situation and the people involved. Engagement nearly always means lots of collaboration with people and learning from them. With the knowledge that I gain, I get a better handle on the challenge and can often bring people together in a complementary manner to facilitate the process of creating solutions.
Few, if any, of the big challenges we face have simple solutions. Collaboration can take a lot of time and effort. As a person who likes long walks, often from Arlington Heights to East Arlington along Mass Ave, I face each challenge determined to find a solution step-by-step, knowing that if we keep at it, we will succeed.
Complex problems may necessitate doing something different to identify effective solutions. The negative “what ifs” can loom large, and they can make even the boldest among us hesitate. Nevertheless, I think it’s paramount we embrace innovation in order to move Arlington forward.
Let’s continue to take the steps needed, both small and large, and explore the many opportunities before us to make Arlington more vibrant, for each and every member of our community!
Lenard T. Diggins